



Hi All, I use eclipse to develop a web based java application. My normal course of business is grab the next task tracking ticket. If there is a problem that needs to correcting, I run the application locally, which loads of a Jetty webserver, and binds to port 8080. After verifying the problem, I fix the problem, rebuild, and the re-run the application. The problem is, I far too often forget to close the jetty server before re-running. This generates the Java bind error:

WARNING: failed [email protected]:8080: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

I work in Windows, and was looking to see if there is command I could run to un-bind the port, but couldn't find an answer there. Does anyone here have a good idea of how to fix my problem, other than remember to shut down the old jetty instance before starting a new one?

Thanks, Jay


You sortof answered your own question there... since you can't run two applications on the same port you'll need to remember to shut down the old one before starting a new one.

You mention the application starts a Jetty instance, could that launching application check if it's already running before doing so? I guess I'm not quite on the same page as you...

However, there are some nifty ways out there to "hot deploy" your changes -- once you have the appserver running you can make changes to JSP files or Java classes and it will automatically deploy those changes.

Are you using some integration like run-jetty-run? If not, you might want to give that a try.

MyEclipse also comes to mind, though I'm not a huge fan of it, some people really like it.

But for the most part, just remember to stop and restart.

good point, I use JRebel for hot re-compile
  1. Use netstat -ap | grep 8080 to find which process is using that port. (What, you don't have a suitable grep installed on Windows? Everyone should!)
  2. Use -Djetty.port=<port number> to change the default port number used by Jetty.
matt b
What grep installation would you recommend? Free is preffered.
@Jay, Cygwin and msysgit both include grep's, both work fine.
matt b

To unbind the port cleanly, you typically need to stop the process that is holding it open (otherwise, the process would probably die with strange communication errors anyway).

You could right a short batch file to detect if the port is in use and kill the Jetty process. Assuming you have Sysinternal's pskill.exe available in your path (e.g. under C:\Windows), here's an example that will kill the process which is holding port 8080 open:

FOR /F "skip=4 tokens=2,5" %%G IN ('netstat -ano') DO (
  IF "%%G"=="" pskill %%H