Hi guys,
How do I trigger validation (using the validate plugin) from a group of checkboxes using jQuery, without using the name of the checkbox (this is controlled by the serverside app)? The validation message is currently displayed only once -(when you press the submit button) and I need it to be fired everytime a checkbox gets triggered. I've got a maximum of 3 checkboxes that can be checked at any one time - that's when the error message should be displayed.
$(".chckBoxInput").rules("add", {
"separateFunction": {
required: function(){
var checkboxes = $("input[@class=chckBoxInput]:checked");
if (checkboxes.length == 0 || checkboxes.length > 3) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
required:"Please choose 3 to download"
Any help would be really appreciated - cheers, Matt