We had to do this to bypass the problem where we have a Silverlight and a .Net library with the same name for CSLA serialization. The library would be overwritten and our tests would fail.
I used Jonathan's answer and Jim Lamb's post, but I found that you also need to set OutDir to empty.
So, you need to do these parameters for the MSBuild activities (if you use the following Macro, you need to set the activity parameters for Clean too, otherwise you get warnings that OutputPath is not set):
- Set CommandLineArguments to
String.Format("/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true;TeamBuildOutDir=""{0}"" {1}", BinariesDirectory, MSBuildArguments)
- Set OutDir to empty (was BinariesDirectory)
I have also created a macro that you can run in visual studio that removes the OutputPath from the configurations, and adds a PropertyGroup that contains the OutputPath for all configs like so :
<PropertyGroup Label="OutputPathLabel">
<OutputPath Condition="'$(TeamBuildOutDir)'=='' ">bin\$(Configuration)\</OutputPath>
<OutputPath Condition="'$(TeamBuildOutDir)'!='' ">$(TeamBuildOutDir)\$(SolutionName)\$(MSBuildProjectName)\$(Configuration)\</OutputPath>
Here's the Macro :
Public Sub SetTeamBuildOutDir()
Dim projectObjects = DTE.Solution.Projects
For Each project In projectObjects
If project.ProjectItems IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Sub SetTeamBuildOutDirRecursive(ByVal proj As Project)
If proj.ConfigurationManager Is Nothing Then
For Each subProj As ProjectItem In proj.ProjectItems
If subProj.SubProject IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SetTeamBuildOutDir(ByVal project As Project)
'Do not handle .vdproj
If project.FullName.ToLower().EndsWith(".vdproj") Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim needToSave = False
Dim msproject = ProjectRootElement.Open(project.FullName)
Dim outputPathGroupExists = False
Dim outputPropertyGroup As ProjectPropertyGroupElement = Nothing
Dim lastConfigPropertyGroup As ProjectPropertyGroupElement = Nothing
For Each propertyGroup In msproject.PropertyGroups
If propertyGroup.Label = "OutputPathLabel" Then
outputPathGroupExists = True
outputPropertyGroup = propertyGroup
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyGroup.Condition) AndAlso _
propertyGroup.Condition.TrimStart().StartsWith("'$(Configuration)") Then
lastConfigPropertyGroup = propertyGroup
End If
'Remove the OutputPath from the configurations
Dim outputPathElement As ProjectPropertyElement = Nothing
For Each element As ProjectPropertyElement In propertyGroup.Children
If element.Name = "OutputPath" Then
outputPathElement = element
End If
If outputPathElement IsNot Nothing Then
needToSave = True
End If
'If we want to always remove the group and add it back (in case of modifications to the group)
'If outputPathGroupExists Then
' msproject.RemoveChild(outputPropertyGroup)
' outputPathGroupExists = False
'End If
If Not outputPathGroupExists Then
Dim propertyGroup = msproject.CreatePropertyGroupElement()
propertyGroup.Label = "OutputPathLabel"
'Need to insert the PropertyGroup before the CSharp targets are included
msproject.InsertAfterChild(propertyGroup, lastConfigPropertyGroup)
Dim isDbProject = project.FullName.ToLower().EndsWith(".dbproj")
Dim outputEmpty = propertyGroup.AddProperty("OutputPath", IIf(Not isDbProject, "bin\$(Configuration)\", "sql\$(Configuration)\"))
outputEmpty.Condition = "'$(TeamBuildOutDir)'=='' "
Dim outputTeamBuild = propertyGroup.AddProperty("OutputPath", "$(TeamBuildOutDir)\$(SolutionName)\$(MSBuildProjectName)\$(Configuration)\")
outputTeamBuild.Condition = "'$(TeamBuildOutDir)'!='' "
needToSave = True
End If
If needToSave Then
'checkout the project file with tfs
Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe checkout " & project.FullName, , True)
'Save the project file
End If
End Sub
Hope this helps!!!