



Hi all,

I'm struggling with this problem for a week.. I hope I can state the problem clear enough:

So, I setup my custom allocator/presenter and in InitializeDevice() I create the textures for VMR9

Then, VMR9 calls my PresentImage() function everytime it has a new frame.

I display render this texture onto a quad and Present() it. If Present() returns D3DERR_DEVICELOST then I PostMessage() to my WndProc() to signal a device reset.

Then my WndProc() calls ResetDevice() on my custom object. ResetDevice() frees all DEFAULT_POOL resources and calls Reset() on the device. Now let's pause for a moment

At this point Direct3d gives me an error telling me that I still hold references to some DEFAULT_POOL surfaces... Which I'm pretty sure I do not because I'm freeing the only texture I allocated. This problem is a mystery as far as I know... There are numerous unanswered forum posts regarding this issue dating back to even 2003..

Let's change lanes. In this forum post

it's said that you should stop the graph, disconnect all the pins of the VMR9, reset the device then reconnect and run the graph again.

When I do that I get another Direct3d complaint: Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Failure trying to create a texture Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Texture width is larger than what the device supports. CreateTexture failed.

I traced the problem to some point where I see that in some function deep in VMR9 calculates the next power of 2 of the width before creating some textures (apart from the ones I successfully create in my A/P). And while tracing I realized this:

My video width is 640. The next power of 2 of 640 is 1024. And I see that this value somehow becomes 10240. Although I don't even set the allocation width to 1024. I just pass 640 as my video card doesn't require pow2 texture sizes.

This is where I stuck..

Is there anybody who knows something about resetting/refreshing the device with VMR9 ?? Please help.

Thanks in advance.



Since you have a custom allocator/presenter I assume you're using IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9::AllocateSurfaceHelper(); and this method could potentionally allocate multiple surfaces, are you sure all of them are released before the device is reset?