Can anyone tell me if a linkedlist of structures will be allowed to grow larger than the equivalent List (given that a list uses a doubling strategy for increasing the size of it's internal array).
So given a struct that is say 40 bytes (I know about the 16 bytes and structure thing, but I am working with some legacy code here and it wouldn't be an easy option changing the struct to a class) my understanding is that each time the list's internal array is resized, the memory needs to be allocated for the new array (new_array_size * 40). So with a very large array, you eventually get an outofmemoryexception as there is no contiguous space large enough to create this new array. I know a linkedlist requires more space for each element (node) as it needs to hold forward and reverse pointers to the items in the list, but my question is does this mean that to add an extra element you only need a contiguous memory slot of (40 + the_space_needed_for_the_pointers). In other words the linkedlist will not suffer from having to allocate a huge new section of contiguous memory to expand.