
Java, LinkedList of Strings. Insert in alphabetical order

I have a simple linked list. The node contains a string (value) and an int (count). In the linkedlist when I insert I need to insert the new Node in alphabetical order. If there is a node with the same value in the list, then I simply increment the count of the node. I think I got my method really screwed up. public void addToList(No...

LinkedList memory consumption versus List when working with large arrays

Hi, Can anyone tell me if a linkedlist of structures will be allowed to grow larger than the equivalent List (given that a list uses a doubling strategy for increasing the size of it's internal array). So given a struct that is say 40 bytes (I know about the 16 bytes and structure thing, but I am working with some legacy code here and ...

Help with abstract class in Java with private variable of type List<E>

Hi, It's been two years since I last coded something in Java so my coding skills are bit rusty. I need to save data (an user profile) in different data structures, ArrayList and LinkedList, and they both come from List. I want to avoid code duplication where I can and I also want to follow good Java practices. For that, I'm trying to ...

How to initialize List<E> in empty class constructor?

Hi, The following code obviously doesn't work because List<E> is abstract: public class MyList { private List<E> list; public MyList() { this.list = new List<E>(); } } How can I initialize MyList class with an empty constructor if I need the list variable to be a LinkedList or a ArrayList depending on my needs? ...

How to get the uncommon elements of two linked list?

Given two linked lists of integers. I was asked to return a linked list which contains the non-common elements. I know how to do it in O(n^2), any way to do it in O(n)? ...

C++ - Single Linked List - Ideas

I want to write a method to remove consecutive items with duplicate data values from a singly linked list. The method should return the number of items removed. The method should clean up memory as required, and should assume that memory was allocated using new. For example, passing in the list ->a->b->c->c->a->b->b->b->a->null should ...

Java - "Rotating" Objects in A LinkedList - Is LinkedList.addLast(LinkedList.removeFirst()) Good Or Bad Programming?

In my Java application both of the following will compile and run, and produce the desired result. //"Rotate" the list items one place to the left. myLinkedList.addLast(myLinkedList.removeFirst()); And a "rotation" in the opposite direction //"Rotate" the list items one place to the right. myLinkedList.addFirst(myLinkedList.removeL...

Creating a linked list or similar queue in MySQL?

I have a table of items that need to be displayed in a certain order, but that order can be changed. Items can be added at the beginning, end, or in the middle, and items can be rearranged. How can I set up the table to keep track of that order in such a way that it's easy to modify but the list can also be fetched in order with a sing...

Structure initializing problem in C

I'm writing a program for a "Set" data structure in C. It's working fine when one instance of Set is present, but it doesn't work when two instances of Set are present. Also my code for removing an element is not working when the candidate is the first element. Can someone help me? Here is the code: Set.h Set.c Test.c ...

Circular Linked List in C

Why exactly do we need a "Circular Linked List" (singly or doubly) data structure? What problem does it solve that is evident with simple Linked Lists (singly or doubly)? ...

LINQ on a LinkedList - iterate over LinkedListNode<T>, not T

Hello SO; I'm having a problem understanding how to do something in LINQ. I have a linkedlist, the type of the object doesn't matter. What does matter is that I want to do something in a Where() based on the relationship between the current object and the next one in the list. Why can't I do something like: linkedlist.Where(n=>a_fun...