




i want to create a website n i am confused which web framework to use plz recommend me which framework is better ,django or zope .i am using Python .

+4  A: 

I have no idea what sort of website you're trying to create, so it's hard to recommend a specific framework. I'd recommend getting through some tutorials to see which one you like best (There's also pylons and TurboGears to pick from).

Django seems to be the most popular starting kit these days though.

Mattias Nilsson
+1 for django...
Luiz C.
Popularity says nothing about quality. Else we'd all be coding PHP
Ivo van der Wijk
I agree that quality can't be judged from popularity alone, but in the Django case I'd say there's a good reason it's popular.
Mattias Nilsson
+1  A: 

If your website is very hierarchical and needs fine grained permissions, I'd use Zope. (Don't use Zope if you intend to store your data almost exclusively in an SQL database.)

If you have large datasets that can be put into (sql)tables and need many forms, I'd use Django. (Don't use Django if you need very fine grained access control, and hierarchical data)

You see: both have their weaknesses and strengths (although I am only developing in Django these days. The Zope community seems to be a bit in dispute these days about the way it should develop)


If you mean plain Zope2 by zope then I'd go for Django. Most interesting stuff in the Zope world takes place with either Plone or Grok (which is Zope3, which is actually quite different from Zope2).

Grok works nice with relational databases, Plone doesn't really, so if you depend on an RDBMS, either go with Grok or Django.

Zope and Plone have a rather steep learning curve so you'll get started more quickly with Django.

The largest downside about Django is, in my opinion, that it tries do do everything by itself (templating, object publishing, ORM, and so on) while there are many excellent existing components out there. If you want to be able to use your code / knowledge outside of the web framework you're using, consider Pylons or BFG

Many options, no clear answer, sorry :)

Ivo van der Wijk