Anyone know if the following is possible in .Net, I've commented on how difficult I would consider each element to do.
- An online shop that allows users to dynamically add products (easy)
- Within each product they can create options - dropdowns (relatively easy)
- These dynamically generated dropdowns can affect the product price (difficult)
- These dropdowns can affect other dynamically generated dropdowns which in turn could affect price (V. Difficult)
So, imagine the admin can add a widget product to the shop, within this widget product they can dictate a series of sizes (dropdown options). Then they can add a series of colours (another dropdown ) and they then add another series of options (another dropdown) for the various materials the widget can be made from.
The end user might choose 'Medium' from the list of sizes, this affects the contents of the contents of the 'colours' (suddenly only black and red are options). User chooses black from the available colours, and the third dropdown's options are in-turn dynamically changed. At every stage the price changes depending on what the user has selected.
The above scenario strikes me as highly complex / difficult and prone to errors. Maybe I'm missing something but I think giving the admin the ability to add dropdowns, allowing them to dictate how one dropdown affects the other (or more than one other) and how each in turn affects the pricing is asking for trouble.
Am I wrong? Is this do-able in a clean and efficient way without adding massively to development time?
And, can anyone think of an ecommerce system that offers that level of customisation?