For the first time in my career, I'm working on an ASP.Net (v3.5) project that has been set up as a Visual Studio 2008/10 Web Site Project.
I'm not keen on this way of working this way for various reasons but for the moment and until such time as the company sees the virtue in working in an environment with namespaces, designer and project files etc., I have to continue with the existing codebase.
I've run into some odd issues since I began this but perhaps the oddest one of all is that althought VS lets me build the code, it doesn't reliably pick up compilation errors so these are not noticed until runtime.
I know the website model allows dynamic/hot compilation when a request is made for a specific but I can't see why it wouldn't do this when I manually (F5) build/rebuild the project.
Its immensely annoying as you can imagine and I can't find a workaround. Could any StackOverflow person help with suome suggestions to make things better?