Okay, so I'm not a Java guy, but I work with loads of them. We generally load Prototype with Tapestry 5, as Tapestry was built on this javascript library.
As a UI/front end developer/engineer, I know the awesomeness of jQuery and the lack of prototype therein. (Feel free to debate that elsewhere -- this ticket doesn't concern that question, ha.)
I've been curious for some time if it's possible to port jQuery into Tapestry instead of Prototype -- as in completely removing Prototype and Scriptaculous -- I realize it kind of defeats the purpose of the already bundled Prototype, but I wanted other opinions on the matter.
We had the inventor of Tapestry visit us @ work and he discussed the explicit need for an agnostic disconnect of type of library in future versions of Tapestry. This means, hypothetically, one could bundle jQuery or Prototype with Tapestry, or possibly some other library.
For the win!