



I need to create rules for web.config that will rewrite all requests for files with extension .html to .asp and redirect all .asp requests to .html

file_xyz.asp rewrites to file_xyz.html
directory1/file_xyz.asp rewrites to directory1/file_xyz.html

file_xyz.html redirects to file_xyz.asp
directory1/file_xyz.html redirects to directory1/file_xyz.asp

  1. What is the syntax for the rule
  2. Is this too broad a rule? If I should need for what ever reason to have a physical file such as file_abc.html how do I exclude it from the redirect rule?
  3. I am thinking I should just use ISAPI_Rewrite there seems to be a ton of resources out there for rewriting with htaccess and very little online help for using IIS 7 URL rewrite. Any thoughts and/or advice

Thanks in advance

So far this is the syntax I have for the web.config

<rule name="RewriteHTMLtoASP" stopProcessing="true">
  <match url="^([^/]+)\.html$" />
  <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" />
  <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}.asp" />
 <rule name="RedirectASPtoHTML" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="^([^/]+)\.asp$" />
     <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
     <add input="{REQUEST_METHOD}" pattern="^GET$" />
     <action type="Redirect" url="{R:1}.html" appendQueryString="false" />

Take a look at this article:

You can re-write your web pages via web.config settings. If you use shared hosting I would not recommend to use ISAPI.

Let me know if it works for you.

Regards, Anvar

I have my own server, so it is just a question of buying the license for ISAPI_Rewrite and installing it or going with the free URL Rewrite with IIS 7. They are both pretty complicated to learn. Regular expressions syntax etc..