A lot of the tree structure can be reused. I don't know the algorithmic complexity offhand, I would guess on average there's only like amortized logN 'waste'...
Why not try to write a program to measure? (We'll see if I can get motivated tonight to try it myself.)
Ok, here is something I hacked. I haven't decided if there's any useful data here or not.
open System
let rng = new Random()
let shuffle (array : _[]) =
let n = array.Length
for x in 1..n do
let i = n-x
let j = rng.Next(i+1)
let tmp = array.[i]
array.[i] <- array.[j]
array.[j] <- tmp
let TryTwoToThe k =
let N = pown 2 k
let a = Array.init N id
let makeRandomTreeAndDiscard() =
shuffle a
let mutable m = Map.empty
for i in 0..N-1 do
m <- m.Add(i,i)
for i in 1..20 do
for i in 1..20 do
for i in 1..20 do
// run these as separate interactions
printfn "16"
TryTwoToThe 16
printfn "17"
TryTwoToThe 17
printfn "18"
TryTwoToThe 18
When I run this in FSI on my box, I get
--> Timing now on
Real: 00:00:08.079, CPU: 00:00:08.062, GC gen0: 677, gen1: 30, gen2: 1
Real: 00:00:17.144, CPU: 00:00:17.218, GC gen0: 1482, gen1: 47, gen2: 4
Real: 00:00:37.790, CPU: 00:00:38.421, GC gen0: 3400, gen1: 1059, gen2: 17
which suggests the memory may be scaling super-linearly but not too badly. I am presuming that the gen0 collections are roughly a good proxy for the 'waste' of rebalancing the tree. But it is late so I am not sure if I have thought this through well enough. :)