



Hi ,

We are doing call taxi business ,

I have around 100 drivers ,

I want to track these 100 drivers , am not ready to go for GPRS and any other costly works ,

So i want to track these guys using His mobile,

That is,

I have all these drivers mobile number,

is there a way to find his/her present location using any google API ,

Please tell me Google API for tracking mobile ,

Thanks Bharanikumar

+4  A: 

Just tracking a mobile phone, without any special application running on the phone, and without making a data (GPRS) connection is not possibly for normal members of the public. (It is technically possible, but is only able to be done by mobile carriers and even then, only when handling requests from law enforcement authorities). All those bits you see in the movies where they trace a handset are works of fiction.

The only way you could track mobile handsets would involve them reporting their location through GPRS/EDGE or some other cellular data service.

An adaptation of Google Latitude may be possible, but, again, would require all your drivers installing the software, providing permission for you to see their location updates and then ongoing data costs to connect to the Latitude servers and update their locations.

There are others out there who can provide transponders which you can install into your vehicles which would do all of this for you, but, of course, they would charge a premium for that.

Ok ... Any other good suggestion for this
Simply put, what you want cannot be done for free, without the phone-owner's permission and without utilising the GPRS/mobile data service.

Wainting for some what better reply's

If by 'better replies' you mean ones that tell you it CAN be done, then you're out of luck. @Lucanos' reply is the best reply, there is no Google API for doing this. You would need to install some software on each drivers handset. There are commercial services out there that let you get a cell phones location, these generally cost a certain amount each time you want to do a query - plus they might not also offer the precision you would probably expect for this kind of application.