




I'm fairly new to PHP - programming in general. So basically what I need to accomplish is, create an array of x amount of numbers (created randomly) who's value add up to n:

Lets say, I have to create 4 numbers that add up to 30. I just need the first random dataset. The 4 and 30 here are variables which will be set by the user.

Essentially something like

x = amount of numbers;
n = sum of all x's combined;

create x random numbers which all add up to n;

$row = array(5, 7, 10, 8) // these add up to 30

Also, no duplicates are allowed and all numbers have to be positive integers.

I need the values within an array. I have been messing around with it sometime, however, my knowledge is fairly limited. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: Any help would be great :)


I'm not sure whether I understood you correctly, but try this:

$n = 4;
$max = 30;
$array = array();

do {
    $random = mt_rand(0, $max);

    if (!in_array($random, $array)) {
        $array[] = $random;
} while (n > 0);
I need four numbers that add to the $max variable you have used. Like the example I have used above: array(5, 7, 10, 8) // these add up to 30 Sorry for being unclear mate.
Russell Dias
This will not guarantee that the numbers actually add up to 30. You could make the last number non-random so they add up to the right amount.. after all, they can't all be random. If that number is already in the array though, you have a small problem :)

Hi, Hope this will help you more....


$aRandomarray = array();
    $iRandomValue = mt_rand(1000, 999);
    if (!in_array($iRandomValue , $aRandomarray)) {
        $aRandomarray[$i] = $iRandomValue;


$aRandomarray = array();
    $iRandomValue = mt_rand(100, 999);
    $sRandom .= $iRandomValue;
array_push($aRandomarray, $sRandom);
I'm not quite sure how this creates n amount of numbers to add up to a specific amount?
Russell Dias

(assuming positive numbers)

Here is an algorithm you can use for small numbers. Also, it is the start for a better algorithm which has less complexity with bigger numbers.

assert (($diff = $x*($x+1)/2) >= 0);
for ($i=0, $i<$x, $i++)
    $answers[i] = i;
while ($diff--)
    // this is intentional
    for ($i=rand(0, $x); $i<$x; $i++)
Full Decent
Why are their commas in your `for` statement? This can't possibly work?
Kendall Hopkins
Yeah, replace them with semicolons. for ($i=0; $i<$x; $i++)
you need to fix this or delete it.
I said this was an algorithm, not code. That's why there's commas in the for statement.
Full Decent
@Full Decent You have two for loops, one that uses comma and one using semi-colons.
Kendall Hopkins

I'm pretty sure this problem is NP-complete. (Hope i'm not being confused). So, if you want something that is simple to implement it will probably have to be some exponential time algorithm.

Uh...there are plenty, 29+1, 28+2, 27+3,...
Anthony Forloney
+4  A: 

First off, this is a really cool problem. I'm almost sure that my approach doesn't even distribute the numbers perfectly, but it should be better than some of the other approaches here.

I decided to build the array from the lowest number up (and shuffle them at the end). This allows me to always choose a random range that will allows yield valid results. Since the numbers must always be increasing, I solved for the highest possible number that ensures that a valid solution still exists (ie, if n=4 and max=31, if the first number was picked to be 7, then it wouldn't be possible to pick numbers greater than 7 such that the sum of 4 numbers would be equal to 31).

$n = 4;
$max = 31;
$array = array();

$current_min = 1;
while( $n > 1 ) {
    //solve for the highest possible number that would allow for $n many random numbers
    $current_max = floor( ($max/$n) - (($n-1)/2) );
    if( $current_max < $current_min ) throw new Exception( "Can't use combination" );
    $new_rand = rand( $current_min, $current_max ); //get a new rand
    $max -= $new_rand; //drop the max
    $current_min = $new_rand + 1; //bump up the new min
    $n--; //drop the n
    $array[] = $new_rand; //add rand to array
$array[] = $max; //we know what the last element must be
shuffle( $array );

EDIT: For large values of $n you'll end up with a lot of grouped values towards the end of the array, since there is a good chance you will get a random value near the max value forcing the rest to be very close together. A possible fix is to have a weighted rand, but that's beyond me.

Kendall Hopkins
THanks mate :) I just made a few minor tweaks and it works like a charm :)
Russell Dias
I think you know this is does not generate a completely random series, otherwise there would be no need for the shuffle at the end ;)There sure is alot of randomness there, but creating rands in reaction to previous rands and totals can introduce tendencies -lumps in the distribution- which may manifest in certain tests and applications.
@strainer As I mentioned in the "EDIT" when the $n value gets large, the values seem to clump up near the end. This could probably be solved by a weighted rand. This is a very tricky issue to solve without the clumping problem.
Kendall Hopkins
@Kendall you might be interested in the solution posted here : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2794582/replace-duplicate-values-in-array-with-new-randomly-generated-values
Russell Dias
@RussellDias I came to somewhat the same conclusion as cletus, that was the main reason I asked which range of n, x. If the number of combinations is low enough, brute force calculation is possible. This solution is a bit more practical, but by no means perfect :P
Kendall Hopkins
Indeed. Thank you for helping me out mate. :)
Russell Dias

sorry i missed 'no duplicates' too
-so need to tack on a 'deduplicator' ...i put it in the other question

To generate a series of random numbers with a fixed sum:

  • make a series of random numbers (of largest practical magnitude to hide granularity...)
  • calculate their sum
  • multiply each in series by desiredsum/sum

(basicaly to scale a random series to its new size)

Then there is rounding error to adjust for:

  • recalculate sum and its difference from desired sum
  • add the sumdiff to a random element in series if it doesnt result in a negative, if it does loop to another random element until fine.
  • to be ultratight instead add or subtract 1 bit to random elements until sumdiff=0

Some non-randomness resulting from doing it like this is if the magnitude of the source randoms is too small causing granularity in the result.

I dont have php, but here's a shot -

$n = ;              //size of array
$targsum = ;        //target sum
$ceiling = 0x3fff;  //biggish number for rands
$sizedrands = array();


//make rands, sum size
for( $count=$n; $count>0; $count--)
{ $arand=rand( 0, $ceiling );
  $firstsum+=$arand; }

//resize, sum resize
for( $count=$n; $count>0; $count--)
{ $sizedrands($count)=($sizedrands($count)*$targsum)/$firstsum;

//redistribute parts of rounding error randomly until done

$rounder=1; if($roundup<0){ $rounder=-1; }

while( $roundup!=0 )
{ $arand=rand( 0, $n );
  if( ($rounder+$sizedrands($arand) ) > 0 )
  { $sizedrands($arand)+=$rounder; 
    $roundup-=$rounder; }