



Parsing EDIFACT can be a daunting undertaking. Is there any good open source library that can help?


Parsing EDIFACT is easy. You can find many libraries to do it. For example,

All these libraries simply break up the messages into segments.

The hard part with EDIFACT is to transform the message into some meaningful objects. This is very application specific and I doubt you will find any libraries. Even if you find one, it will be specific to a narrow field, like hotel reservation.

ZZ Coder
Edicoder looks like it hasn't actually implemented any parsing code yet. I agree regarding EDIFACT transformations.
Johannes Brodwall
+2  A: - A template-based text parser. They have suitable EDI examples that I was looking to use to implement for Walmart 810s before they dumped my products.

Chris Kaminski
Smooks seems to be extremely XML-heavy, but otherwise looks mature and good.
Johannes Brodwall
It is. I'd like to see something like commons-digester for EDIFACT, honestly. Before I stopped doing EDI altogether, I was thinking about using Smooks to do something similar, straight EDI-text to POJO.
Chris Kaminski
+1  A: 

try: not so much a library, but translates edifact to the format you prefer....xml....csv....etc


@Johannes Brodwall @Chris Kaminski

I think ye must be talking about the Smooks EDI Mapping Models when you say it's "extremely XML-heavy". More or less all Smooks specific configuration can be performed programaticaly.

We are working on a number of things to make EDI consumption via Smooks easier:

  1. EDIFACT Conversion Tool (ECT): Generate EDI Mapping Models (the "extremely XML-heavy" bits I think you are talking about) directly from their specs. We're close to completing our first one of these for UN/EIFACT. Will hopefully be adding more in the future... X12, HL7 etc
  2. EDIFACT Java Compiler (EJC): Generate Java object models from EDI Mapping Models. Similar to JAXB's XJC tool. Includes generation of a simple Factory class through which you can perform fromEDI and toEDI operations on the generated Java object model e.g.:

Put ECT and EJC together...


If you are interested by EDIFACT parsing, you should have a look at my preliminary work at

/Patrice -
