This is an extension of an earlier question. I realized, what I really want is to go to a URL /report/thisweek
and it will do a .find
(or named_scope) across contact_emails.date_sent
where date_sent
is between MONDAY and FRIDAY of the week to which
In other words, if today is THURSDAY, it will do a search for all emails MONDAY through THURSDAY of this week.
Not sure if this is doable or makes sense, but I think that's what I'd ultimately am trying to do.
EDIT: This is what I tried and I get an undefined local variable error for work_days
class ContactEmail < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :contact_id, :email_id, :status, :subject, :body, :date_created, :date_sent
belongs_to :contact
belongs_to :email
belongs_to :user
named_scope :this_week, :conditions => {:date_sent => work_days}
# Returns a time range corresponding to work days of current or given time's week
def work_days(
monday_0000 = t.at_beginning_of_week
friday_2359 = 5.days.since(monday_0000)-1.second
(monday_0000 .. friday_2359)