



I am trying to solve this problem:, but I cant figure out why my code doesnt solve this, I mean in the "for" how can I can multiply the letters? What is my error? It just tell always 7, but I want to multiple all the letters. I hope you can help me.

public class ejercicio3 {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        Map<Character, Integer> telefono = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();

        telefono.put('A', 2);
        telefono.put('B', 2);
        telefono.put('C', 2);
        telefono.put('D', 3);
        telefono.put('E', 3);
        telefono.put('F', 3);
        telefono.put('G', 4);
        telefono.put('H', 4);
        telefono.put('I', 4);
        telefono.put('J', 5);
        telefono.put('K', 5);
        telefono.put('L', 5);
        telefono.put('M', 6);
        telefono.put('N', 6);
        telefono.put('O', 6);
        telefono.put('P', 7);
        telefono.put('R', 7);
        telefono.put('S', 7);
        telefono.put('T', 8);
        telefono.put('U', 8);
        telefono.put('V', 8);
        telefono.put('W', 9);
        telefono.put('X', 9);
        telefono.put('Y', 9);

        String mensaje = "Practice";
        int producto = 1;

        for (char c : mensaje.toCharArray()) {    
            if (telefono.containsKey(c)) {
                producto = telefono.get(c) * producto;
+4  A: 

Convert your string to all uppercase first!

It's only finding the first character, 'P', for which it gives the correct answer of 7.

Try changing:

for (char c : mensaje.toCharArray()) {


for (char c : mensaje.toUpperCase().toCharArray()) {
Adrian Mouat
I did that thanks, but I still get a question what could I do if I have this spaces?String mensaje = "PROGRAMMING CHALLENGES ARE FUN";
Well, what do you want to do? Either add a value for spaces to the map or just ignore them (which the code does currently).
Adrian Mouat
String mensaje = "Programming challenges are fun"; int producto = 1; for (char c : mensaje.toUpperCase().toCharArray()) { if (telefono.containsKey(c)) { producto = telefono.get(c) * producto; } } System.out.println(producto); }
and I get: -1820327936
HELP please I am stuck!!!
Well that looks like overflow. Change "int producto" to "long producto" and see if that helps.
Adrian Mouat
is there a way to get rid of the spaces in the strings?
You're not counting them anyway!
Adrian Mouat
Ok I get it anyway if I just put: String mensaje = "Programming challengesarefun"; I get the same result: -1820327936
@amweg, because of the condition `if (telefono.containsKey(c)`, you are already ignoring spaces.
yeah I get it thanks
@amveg, tranquilo. Read what both me and Adrian suggested, and change `int` to `long`.
Yes I get a correct answers THANKS!!
@amveg: you should then mark the most helpful answer accepted.
+1  A: 

Looks like a case sensitivity issue. That is, "P" is the only character actually found in the map.

If you want to use a mixed-case string, either do mensaje.toUpperCase().toCharArray() or add lower case equivalent letters to the map, like telefono.put('a',2);

I want to ignore the spaces
+2  A: 

After fixing the case-sensitivity problem as suggested in Adrian Mouat's answer, the problem remains that with longer strings the integer overflows pretty soon. Use long instead:

long producto = 1;

(After that e.g. "Programming Challenges are fun" produces 208129028102553600.)

Edit: Or, as WineSoaked correctly points out, use BigInteger to make this support arbitrarily long strings (only the RAM available to JVM is then the limit). But, as we've seen, long was good enough for this particular puzzle. :-)

THANKS for all!
Good catch on the int overflow.
In fact, you might end up needing BigInteger, depending on the size of the input string.
Yes I think so the next time I will think int that