How can I check if the Android phone is in Landscape or Portrait?
That's awful. Almost warrants a downvote :\
2010-05-08 22:48:52
In some comical way, he's right
Mohit Deshpande
2010-05-08 23:29:39
Google is your friend:
/* First, get the Display from the WindowManager */
Display display = ((WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
/* Now we can retrieve all display-related infos */
int width = display.getWidth();
int height = display.getHeight();
int orientation = display.getOrientation();
public int getScreenOrientation()
Display getOrient = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int orientation = getOrient.getOrientation();
// Sometimes you may get undefined orientation Value is 0
// simple logic solves the problem compare the screen
// X,Y Co-ordinates and determine the Orientation in such cases
Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
orientation = config.orientation;
//if height and widht of screen are equal then
// it is square orientation
orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_SQUARE;
}else{ //if widht is less than height than it is portrait
if(getOrient.getWidth() < getOrient.getHeight()){
orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;
}else{ // if it is not any of the above it will defineitly be landscape
orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
return orientation; // return value 1 is portrait and 2 is Landscape Mode
Martijn Courteaux
2010-05-08 22:46:57
You could combine the first suggestion into: int orientation = ((WindowManager)getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay().getOrientation(); It's a little sloppy, but works as well.
Mohit Deshpande
2010-05-08 23:32:11
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Good ghod NOOOOOOOOOOOO!getResources().getConfiguration().orientationThat is the correct thing to do.The other recommendations here are not at all what you should do.
2010-05-09 20:04:58
The current configuration, as used to determine which resources to retrieve etc, as available from the Resources' Configuration object as:
2010-05-09 20:06:06