+1  A: 

The only way I can find that this is possible is if both AsyncTasks' onPostExecute() executed SO simultaneously that they were virtually running the same lines at the same time, since I set the 'itemXdownloaded' flag to true right before I check for both and call startActivity().

Since they are both called on the main application thread, that's not possible, unless you're doing something really strange.

I would introduce some Log calls to ensure that you are not misreading the symptoms.

Beyond that, it is difficult to see any problems from your pseudocode, unless there's a possibility of other downloadID values beyond the three shown. For example, if there is a DL4, and DL4 completed after DL1 and DL2, DL4 would trigger your activity.

Ah, you're right about the main application thread. Did not think about that. So it *must* be a logic issue somewhere... Thanks.