I am using Linq to SQL to call a stored procedure which runs a full-text search and returns the rank plus a few specific columns from the table Article
. The rank column is the rank returned from the SQL function FREETEXTTABLE(). I've added this sproc to the O/R designer with return type Article
This is working to get the columns I need; however, it discards the ranking of each search result. I'd like to get this information so I can display it to the user.
So far, I've tried creating a new class RankedArticle
which inherits from Article
and adds the column Rank
, then changing the return type of my sproc mapping to RankedArticle
. When I try this, an InvalidOperationException gets thrown:
Data member 'Int32 ArticleID' of type 'Heap.Models.Article' is not part of the mapping for type 'RankedArticle'. Is the member above the root of an inheritance hierarchy?
If I let the O/R designer set the sproc's own return type, it returns an int rather than a "SearchArticlesByKeywordResult" object. I'm not sure why this is, perhaps because the sproc is returning a union? Here is my procedure:
SELECT ftt.[rank] as [Rank], ArticleID, Subject
FROM Article
INNER JOIN FREETEXTTABLE( Article, (Subject, Body), @KeywordList ) AS ftt
ON ftt.[key] = Article.ArticleID
SELECT ftt.[rank] as [Rank], Article.ArticleID as ArticleID, Article.Subject as Subject
FROM Article
INNER JOIN Solution ON Solution.ArticleID = Article.ArticleID
INNER JOIN FREETEXTTABLE( Solution, Body, @KeywordList ) AS ftt
ON ftt.[key] = Solution.SolutionID
I can't seem to find any other questions or Google results from people trying to get the rank column, so I'm probably missing something obvious here.