



I have a site that grabs the response text from an AJAX call and does 'innerHTML' on a div that is going to contain it. After I do the 'innerHTML' I process the DIV by traversing the whole hierarchy of nodes and grabbing their [offsetWidth/offsetHeight] to do some operations with it. Why not css style width/height? because sometimes those values are not available since I don't control what is coming from the AJAX response, plus I want the real box dimensions including borders/scrolls/padding.

On large injections (let's say 7,000 new DOM elements) IE takes way longer time than FF/Safari just to get this [offsetWidth/offsetHeight], actually if I wasn't doing injection but just render the contents of the HTML in the browser and processing it, it would be much faster. But that is not an option since I have to inject it on a div that will contain it. Anybody has deal with this kind of issue before? is there an alternative to innerHTML, I have try using documentFragment to inject and process and the move it to the div and still I don't see much gain. How can I get the values that are available with [offsetWidth/offsetHeight]? Thanks a bunch for any suggestions.
