
DOM element width can be non-integer?

I have some one page whose div elements are aligned by JavaScript. The JavaScript just check a set of div elements to find the max offsetWidth, then set all div elements' width to be the max offsetWidth. It works perfect in most browsers and locales, but it fails on french-France in Firefox on Mac. In this case, the content of div wraps....

offsetWidth or CSS expression problem for IE6

I need to set the width of textboxes as 80% of it's parent. So first I used td input[type="text"] { width: 80%; } But it was not rendering properly if the input is the child of td. So, I used Css expressions td input[type="text"] { width: expression(this.parentNode.offsetWidth*0.8); } It is working as I wanted in...

IE performance issues with offsetHeight and offsetWidth

I have a site that grabs the response text from an AJAX call and does 'innerHTML' on a div that is going to contain it. After I do the 'innerHTML' I process the DIV by traversing the whole hierarchy of nodes and grabbing their [offsetWidth/offsetHeight] to do some operations with it. Why not css style width/height? because sometimes thos...

IE 8 Quirks vs Standards retrieving offsetHeight/offsetWidth

I am in the process of converting my application to use XHTML strict mode (it didn't have a DOCTYPE before). However, I noticed a significant degradation when getting offsetHeight/offsetWidth. This is very noticeable on pages with large number of DOM elements, let's say a table with 1 column by 800 rows, the cells only have a piece of te...

Safari is returning the wrong width value

Hi I have a table with a div in it the table has 2 columns and both are 50% In most browsers I can use offsetWidth to get the width of the article. But in Safari the width is less or more than what it should be. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Regards Richard ...