



I have a test using Cucumber, capybara and selenium driver. This test should go to a form and submit it. The normal text would be

  Scenario: Fill form
    Given I am on the Form page
    When I fill in "field1" with "value1"
    And I fill in "field2" with "value2"
    And I press "OK"
    Then I should see "Form submited"

The problem is that I don't have the OK button in the form I need a way to do the "form.submit", without clicking any button or link - the same as happens when you press ENTER when you are in a form field using the browser.

I don't know how to tell capybara to submit a form. How can I do it?


Simply put: you can't.

Some browsers will not allow you to submit a form without a submit button at all (most notably Internet Explorer <= 6). So this kind of form is a bad idea to begin with. Add a submit button and position it off the screen with CSS.

display:none comes in mind. It's there, but it is'nt!
the problem is that I CAN'T add the button, because I'm testing a web site I can't change the source code.
Daniel Cukier

You may probably roll your own step (And I submit the form with the link "Ok", for example), and emulate the submit functionality yourself.

Here it is the javascript emulation dropped in Rails 3 to support "unobtrusive" (emphasis on the quotes) Javascript. The line, js_form(self[:href], emulated_method)).submit(self)

is probably the clue to answer your problem. The full code is here

this will work for Selenium driver?
Daniel Cukier
I think it does. I'm using form submission with confirmation dialogs without problem in an application right now, and they work correctly.
+1  A: 

A simple solution:

When /^I submit the form$/ do

Worked for me with capybara-envjs. Should work with selenium as well.


I'd recommend you add a submit button, then hide it with CSS. Then you can test the form submission, but still get the user behavior you want.


With the capybara Selenium driver you can do something like this:

within(:xpath, "//form[@id='the_form']") do
  locate(:xpath, "//input[@name='the_input']").set(value)
  locate(:xpath, "//input[@name='the_input']").node.send_keys(:return)
Aaron Gibralter