I'm trying to show only the emails received in the last 5 min for example
$since = date('d-M-Y G\:i', time() - 300); // current time - 5 min
$mb = imap_search ($m_mail, 'UNSEEN SINCE ' . $since . '');
Is there an easy way to do this ? I find a way: take all the unseen mails for the current day (ex:9 may 2010), loop it and then checking if it was send in the last X minutes echo it( using the imap_headerinfo->udate )BUT when i looked at gmail.com one email was recevied at 17:08 and on my server appears that the email was received at 14:08
UPDATE: i resolved the problem when it showed me that the email was sent at 17:04 in gmail.com and in my application showed me 14:04. I changed the global server timezone to GMT +0 and set the application timezone and now it show me the time correctly but still I don't know how to get the emails received in the last X in a shorter way.