




This is something that I just cooked up with Joomla and CodeIgniter(CI). I Wrote my database intensive application in CodeIgniter and frontend is Joomla. I'm using Jumi(Joomla Extention) so I can include the CI files inside joomla to basically insert the content generated by CI into Joomla articles.

Problem is, you can't include CI files directly using JUMI from joomla because CI tends to route the pages so instead of seeing your joomla page with the CI content, you be redirected to the CI page itself.

I did a little work around for this :
Made an additional page that just basically does cURL to the CI page - gets the data and echos it out.

From jumi, I include this cURL page instead.

Couple of questions:
I've seen at least a few posts that CI + Joomla is difficult to do(link).

1) Do you see any glaring security issues or possible performance issues?

2) Do you know of a better way to implement this?

3) What do you think of this? Do you think this is a good way to do this?

There is one component out there that plugs CI with Joomla but it requires you to have a fresh CI install. It allows only one controller & the download link is down as well.