I am trying to scrape this page: http://www.udel.edu/dining/menus/russell.html. I have written a scraper in Ruby using the Hpricot library.
problem: HTML page is escaped and I need to display it unescaped
example: "M&M" should be "M&M"
example: "Entrée" should be "Vegetarian Entrée"
I have tried using the CGI library in Ruby (not too successful) and the HTMLEntities gem that I found through this Stack Overflow post.
HTMLEntities works during testing:
require 'rubygems'
require 'htmlentities'
require 'cgi'
h = HTMLEntities.new
puts "h.decode('Entrée') = #{h.decode("Entrée")}"
blank = " "
puts "h.decode blank = #{h.decode blank}"
puts "CGI.unescapeHTML blank = |#{CGI.unescapeHTML blank}|"
puts "h.decode '<th width=86 height=59 scope=row>Vegetarian Entrée</th> ' = |#{h.decode '<th width=86 height=59 scope=row>Vegetarian Entrée</th> '}|"
correctly yields
h.decode('Entrée') = Entrée
h.decode blank =
CGI.unescapeHTML blank = | |
h.decode '<th width=86 height=59 scope=row>Vegetarian Entrée</th> ' = |<th width=86 height=59 scope=row>Vegetarian Entrée</th> |
However, when I go to use it on a file with open-uri it does not work properly:
require 'rubygems'
require 'hpricot'
require 'open-uri'
require 'htmlentities'
require 'cgi'
f = open("http://www.udel.edu/dining/menus/russell.html")
htmlentity = HTMLEntities.new
while line = f.gets
puts htmlentity.decode line
Incorrectly yields things like:
<th width="60" height="59" scope="row">Vegetarian Entrée</th>
<th scope="row">Â </th> // note: was originally ' ' to indicate a blank
but correctly handles M&M by yielding:
<td valign="middle" class="menulineA">M&M Brownies</td>
Am I treating the escaped HTML incorrectly? I don't understand why it works in some cases and not in others.
I am running ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i486-linux]
Any help/suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.