



Good morning

anyone recommend a free tool for generating Charts compatible with ASP.NET MVC?

thank you

+2  A: 

I like Fusion Charts Free.

Hey Orb, that's pretty fancy and awesome visual!
Junior Mayhé
+1 I've recently used FusionCharts and was satisfied with the end result. FusionCharts wouldn't let me do everything I wanted to do, but it covered the vast majority.
Robert Williams
I'm using it. They are also creating a version for HTML5. There's a little problem when formating numbers on code-behind but I can live with that
Junior Mayhé
I'm glad they're going with HTML 5, I'm pretty sick of charting solutions implemented in flash
There's some sort of license issue, but I'm not aware of it
Junior Mayhé
+1  A: 

Use Google Chart Tools.

To clarify, GCT isn't specific to ASP.NET MVC. It's a hosted thing that you can call with Javascript. I've use it in MVC and regular ASP.NET project alike. Very clean and nice.

For instance, open your browser and go here:,40&chs=250x100&chl=Hello|World

You'll see this:

alt text

You have to use Google's servers to make this work.
Robert Harvey
Sure, and that's an advantage. Offload the chart rendering to someone else (just like you offload your js, css content to a CDN).
If you can do that. It won't be possible in some scenarios, such as Intranet applications with business-sensitive data.
Robert Harvey
Good point on intranet apps. Not necessarily, on biz sensitive data. I went through that myself, while working on an app, but discovered that you can usually abstract the data pretty easily such that nothing useful is transmitted. In other words, your data points (10, 20, 30) are meaningless and you leave words (title, legend, etc) off of the GCT-rendered image and add those elsewhere.

Google charts

The advantages of the Google Chart Tools are:

  • A rich gallery of visualizations provided as:
    • Image charts - using a simple URL request to a Google chart server
    • Interactive charts - using a Google developed JavaScript library
    • Can read live data from a variety of data sources
    • Simple to use and free
You have to use Google's servers to make this work.
Robert Harvey
Yes, if I'm offering my site as intranet only, it'll won't work if customer doesn't have internet connection
Junior Mayhé
It would have been nice to include that in your question, in this case google charts wont work. Fusion Charts might be another option, plus they are fancy!
+3  A: 


Take a look at this free web control from Microsoft:

I tried it with regular web application, not MVC though. Works alright, a little finicky in some details.

What kind of charts you need to deal with? Some time ago I was looking for Gantt chart control, and really did not find any good free ones.

Regards, Anvar

More info on how to get these charts to work with ASP.NET MVC [here]( and [here](
Robert Harvey
Thanks, I suspected they work for both MVC and regular web apps similarly well.

Six jQuery Chart Plugins

Robert Harvey

As I know Free MS Chart controls is ex Dundas Chart. Good library.

+1  A: 

Here is a demo on using the chart object in .Net check here. Its a cool for generating Charts compatible with ASP.NET MVC.

No coding, really nice Herberts. I think Microsoft should hire guys who built this component.
Junior Mayhé