



i made a program using Qt for Symbian, its all working very well ... However, it always exits with a status code -10737something when i close the program

i think the problem is in the deconstructer, maybe some memory leaks ... any suggestion on how to solve this problem, or to find the error using Qt Creator?



Record the exact number, convert it to hexadecimal, then put the result into a search engine and see what you can find.

The exit code you've got is most likely an error code which would normally be represented in hexadecimal (but the operating system has chosen to report program exit codes in signed decimal format).

Intransigent Parsnip

Symbian defines a lot of globally used error codes. The most complete error code reference I know of can be found on page.

If you post the question on SO, please be as precise as possible, don't write "I got -128903something error, please help", because the answer to the question phrased this way is "You've got an error somewhere in your code".

So if you need more help, post the error code with all details.
