
How do you capture stderr, stdout, and the exit code all at once, in Perl?

Is it possible to run an external process from Perl, capture its stderr, stdout AND the process exit code? I seem to be able to do combinations of these, e.g. use backticks to get stdout, IPC::Open3 to capture outputs, and system() to get exit codes. How do you capture stderr, stdout, and the exit code all at once? ...

How do I specify the exit code of a console application in .net?

I have a trivial console app in .net. It's just a test part of a larger application. I'd like to specify the "exit code" of my console app. How do I do this? Thanks! ...

ExitCodes bigger than 255, possible?

If yes, on which operating system, shell or whatever? Consider the following java program (I'm using java just as an example, any language would be good for this question, which is more about operation systems): public class ExitCode { public static void main(String args[]) { System.exit(Integer.parseInt(args[0])); } } ...

How do I get the application exit code from a Windows command line?

I am running a program and want to see what its return code is (since it returns different codes based on different errors). I know in Bash I can do this by running echo $? What do I do when using cmd.exe on Windows? ...

use of system.exit(0)

public class WrapperTest { static { print(10); } static void print(int x) { System.out.println(x); System.exit(0); } } In the above code System.exit(0) is used to stop the program. What argument does that method take? Why do we gave it as 0. Can anyone explain the concept?Thanks. ...

Get Exitcodes from WindowsForms Application in command window

Hi, I'm starting a Windows Forms application from the command promt and I need to get the exit codes that the windows forms application generates. The command promt starts the application and returns immediatly. But the application executes in the background. Is there a way to get the Exit codes? Kind Regards Christian. ...

why does my JScript (windows script host) exit with 0 on an uncaught exception?

I have some JScript which does some stuff with an ODBC connection. An exception was thrown by the ODBC ActiveXObject object and not caught in my script. I expected that the script would exit with an non 0 value but it didn't. Anyone know why this is the case and how to get it to exit with a non 0 value on an uncaught exception? ...

How to extract $lastexitcode from c# powershell script execution.

Hi, I've got a scipt executing in C# using the powershell async execution code on code project here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/threads/AsyncPowerShell.aspx?display=PrintAll&fid=407636&df=90&mpp=25&noise=3&sort=Position&view=Quick&select=2130851#xx2130851xx I need to return the $lastexitcode and Jean-Paul...

How to get the exit status of a Java program in Windows batch file

Analogous to the $? in Linux, is there a way to get the exit status of a program in a Windows batch file (.bat)? Say for example the program has a System.exit(0) upon successful execution, and a System.exit(1) upon a failure, how do I trap these exit values in a .bat file? ...

Catching exception on environment.exit

Hi, I need to return an exit code of 1 after my Main functions ends. However I have an other thread that never ends (while(true)). So I managed to call Environment.Exit(1). But I got some exception when diposing com objects... For several reasons I can't change the other thread code. What do you guys advocate to do ? May I catch the e...

Python thread exit code

Is there a way to tell if a thread has exited normally or because of an exception? ...

Add (collect) exit codes in bash

I need to depend on few separate executions in a script and don't want to bundle them all in an ugly 'if' statement. I would like to take the exit code '$?' of each execution and add it; at the end, if this value is over a threshold - I would like to execute a command. Pseudo code: ALLOWEDERROR=5 run_something RESULT=$? ..other things...

Why does my Perl script exit with 137?

Is there a way to eliminate a warning (exit code 137) in perl? I am running a Perl script on linux within another shell script. This Perl script exits with a warning and exit code 137. I could not pinpoint what exit code 137 stands for. What is the best way to avoid this warning? I tried "no warnings" in the script and I have an exit 0...

Trapping Error Status in MSBuild

As part of some build automation of running xUnit.net tests with MSBuild, I'm running into a case where I need to loop over a batch of items. Inside the loop, I need to detect whether an iteration failed, but I want to continue executing regardless. Then after the batched bit, I need to know whether one or more errors have occurred in ...

Are there any standard exit status codes in Linux?

A process is considered to have completed correctly in Linux if its exit status was 0. I've seen that segmentation faults often result in an exit status of 11, though I don't know if this is simply the convention where I work (the apps that failed like that have all been internal) or a standard. Are there standard exit codes for proces...

How to quit a C++ program?

How do I quit a C++ program. Which function is called to end a program and which values does the method take? To clarify I want to exit a C++ program from within my code. And I may want to exit the program outside of the main function of this program. ...

gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 iphone

Hi, I've seen this error with different variations on discussion forums but being a non programmer I'm not sure how to progress this. Basically I have code which I found to help me with changing the background colors of cells on a grouped uitableview. The code introduced a line as such: CGContextAddArcToPoint(c, minx, miny, midx, miny...

Difference between Environment.Exit and simple return 2 from Main

From outside of the application, is there any difference between ... Environment.Exit(2) and static int Main() { ... return 2; } ? ...

How to interpret status code in Python commands.getstatusoutput()

In a related question, I asked where to find the documentation for the C function "wait." This was an attempt to figure out return codes for the commands.getstatusoutput() module. Stackoverflow came through, but the documentation didn't help. Here's what puzzles me: #!/usr/bin/python import commands goodcommand = 'ls /' badcommand = 'ls...

boost::thread exit code?

What is the standard way to get an exit code from a boost::thread ? The docs don't seem to touch on this subject at all. ...