



I have 2 .pyo python files that I can convert to .py source files, but they don't compile perfectly as hinted by decompyle's verify.

Therefore looking at the source code, I can tell that config.pyo simply had variables in in an array:

ADMIN_USERIDS = [116901, 141, 349244, 39, 1159488]

I would like to take the original .pyo and disassembly or whatever I need to do inorder to change one of these IDs.


in model.pyo the source indicates a

if (productsDeveloperId != self.getUserId()):

All I would want to do is hex edit the != to be a == .....Simple with a windows exe program but I can't find a good python disassembler anywhere.

Any suggestions are welcomed...I am new to reading bytecode and new to python as well.


Convert the .pyo files to .py and then edit the .py and then run python on the .py files. Python will regenerate the .pyo files Don't edit the pyo

I don't know the python bytecode but I would doubt that the strings == or 1= would appear in the .pyo file

Although a much better way is get the original .py files and use them. If they give the wrong program as implied by wanting to change != to == then you could ask the supplier to fix the bug.


This is Brian, the question asker.

I have completed what I needed to do by just trial and error and hex editing, hex edit...then convert the source...see what I changed..until I finally narrowed down what I was looking for. The constants (Admin IDs) were in the hex file as converted hex (obviously) but backwards.

I still have no idea how or where I'd find the !=

I heard IDA Pro newest version supports python, but I havent learned how to get python to work on it.


IDA up to 6.0 doesn't have a .pyc decompilation module.
