For Example in shell script:
for jar in lib/*.jar
How can I dynamically build a Java classpath in Perl?
For Example in shell script:
for jar in lib/*.jar
How can I dynamically build a Java classpath in Perl?
Not Perl code (no code = no bugs :) but doesn't
export CLASSPATH=.:lib/*
work? In my bash script that starts Java app I set this and app can "see" all .jars I want, but you can set it "globally":
mn@test:~# export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/local/jars/*
mn@test:~# echo $CLASSPATH
mn@test:~# ls /usr/local/jars/*.jar
/usr/local/jars/activation.jar ...
mn@test:/home# cat
public class show_cp
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.class.path", "."));
mn@test:/home# java show_cp
You can use wildcards in CLASSPATH as described in Setting the class path
And Perl code to join file names:
my @files = glob "/jars/*.jar";
my $cp = join(":", @files);
As always with Perl, there's more than one way to do it, but one compact way is this:
$_CLASSPATH = join(":", ".", glob("lib/*.jar"));
If you want to set an environment variable you may need to make that:
$ENV{_CLASSPATH} = join(":", ".", glob("lib/*.jar"));
my $_CLASSPATH = join(":", ".", glob("lib/*.jar"));
NOTE: If you're in a web server environment, especially one that has shared Perl interpreter like mod_perl, always localize your $ENV{}
assignments to avoid unpleasantness: local $ENV{CLASSPATH}=$_CLASSPATH;
You can try:
$CP = '.';
foreach(<lib/*.jar>) {
$CP .= ":$_";