



I've gone through this page:,

My manifest has

<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" 

My phone has Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging checked

I have gone to the control panel on my Windows XP 64 bit and installed the USB drivers given to me by the SDK installer at: android-sdk_r05-windows\android-sdk-windows\usb_driver So my computer does recognize the android device.

However.. when I run an app on Eclipse, it still insists on opening it up in an emulator rather than my phone. How can I fix that?


see if that helps : Right click on the Eclipse project-> Run As -> Run Configuration -> Target - Choose manual Same for Debug

Alex Volovoy
Alex, I tried that and when it runs it presents this: only has one device, the emulator, and doesn't display my phone at all.

On the phone go to Settings -> Applications -> Development and make sure USB Debugging is enabled. (this location is from a Nexus One, it may be different on other android versions)

I'm not sure all phones support this, the ADP1, ADP2, and the Nexus One do.

Once you do this the phone should appear in the dialog you posted a link to in your comment on Alex's answer.

I turned off USB Debugging as you mentioned but it still doesn't appear in the devices list on Eclipse.
err, sorry i meant that it should be checked, should be enabled, i'll edit to make it more clear.If its not appearing its likely there is a driver issue, i don't use windows but use whatever the windows version of lsusb is and check that the device is found and the proper driver is loaded. I think you'd have to look in the device manager to find this info in windows.
also make sure the phone is not set to appear as a USB drive, this will stop it from attaching to adb.
mark, i think the problem might actually be the OS recognizing my phone as a USB drive. any idea how i'd go about removing the recognition as a USB drive?
well, in linux when the phone is in debug mode it appears as a direct access SCSI device with some undefined endpoints which i assume are what adb uses. If I were you i would just redo the USB driver installation instructions and maybe reboot windows and see if that fixes it.