Does anyone know if there is a library that exists to help test if an object graph is fully serializable? It would probably be as simple as writing it out and reading it back in, but I figured someone must have abstracted this already - I just can't find it.
Read this article.
and note the following highly re-usable function :
public void testIsSerializable()
throws JaxenException, IOException {
BaseXPath path = new BaseXPath("//foo", new DocumentNavigator());
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
assertTrue(out.toByteArray().length > 0);
The article also explains how to test whether the objects were correctly serialized.
Amir Afghani
2010-05-11 16:50:29
Thanks, I just figured someone had already packaged it up into a single method call.
Jeff Storey
2010-05-11 17:08:24
It would probably be as simple as writing it out and reading it back in
It's even simpler. Just write it out. If that succeeded, everything is serializable.
2010-05-12 02:15:37