I am trying to programmatically select a different media tray using Java Printing API. However, my document always gets printed to the default (TOP) media tray. I checked if the MediaTray attributes are supported using "isAttributeValueSupported()" method on javax.print.PrintService interface and I am getting the result as "true" for each MediaTray I pass. Here is my code:
public void print(
String printerName,
com.company.services.document.transferobject.MediaTray tray,
byte[] document) {
String methodName = "print: ";
logger.sendEvent(CLASS_NAME + methodName + "Start", EventType.INFO,
if (printerName == null || "none".equals(printerName)
|| "?".equals(printerName) || "null".equals(printerName)) {
logger.sendEvent("Please supply printer name, currently printerName is "+printerName,
EventType.INFO, this);
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
AttributeSet attributeSet = new HashAttributeSet();
attributeSet.add(new PrinterName(printerName, null));
javax.print.PrintService service = getService(printerName);
if (service.isAttributeValueSupported(MediaTray.TOP, flavor, null)) {
System.out.println("---------->>>>>>>>>Yes TOP" + " : Value : "
+ MediaTray.TOP.getValue());
} else {
if (service.isAttributeValueSupported(MediaTray.BOTTOM, flavor, null)) {
System.out.println("---------->>>>>>>>>Yes BOTTOM" + " : Value : "
+ MediaTray.BOTTOM.getValue());
} else {
if (service.isAttributeValueSupported(MediaTray.SIDE, flavor, null)) {
System.out.println("---------->>>>>>>>>Yes SIDE" + " : Value : "
+ MediaTray.SIDE.getValue());
} else {
DocPrintJob printJob = service.createPrintJob();
try {
byte[] textStream = document;
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras =
new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
Media standardTray= toStandardTray(tray);
if (null != standardTray) {
Doc myDoc = new SimpleDoc(textStream, flavor, null);
printJob.print(myDoc, pras);
" successfully printed ............ ",
EventType.INFO, this);
} catch (Throwable th) {
logger.sendEvent(" Throwable : "+th.getLocalizedMessage(),
EventType.INFO, this);
logger.sendEvent(CLASS_NAME + methodName + "END: ", EventType.INFO,
Also wanted to add that this is an HP LaserJet 8000 that I am trying to print to - it has 2 trays and one tray on the side. Currently A4 is in the top tray and legal in the bottom. My documents are formatted for A4, so I am not sure if say I would not be able to print to BOTTOM because my document would be incompatible with paper format or something like that. Also from what I understand, my byte array is a document in PostScript (not PCL). Any help will be greatly appreciated!