



Given the following code for our Active Record Entites and ValueTypes Linq is not working for us.

public class PersonEntity : ActiveRecordLinqBase<PersonEntity>
  string _name;

  [Property("Name", Length = 20, ColumnType = "string", 
    Access = PropertyAccess.FieldCamelcaseUnderscore)]
  public  Name Name
  get { return NameValue.Create(_name);}
  set { _name = value.DataBaseValue; }

public abstract class Name : IValueType
  string DataBaseValue {get;set;}

public class Namevalue : Name
  string _name;
  private NameValue(string name) 
    _name = name;
  public static NameValue Create(string name) 
    return new NameValue(name);

We tried to use linq in the following way so far with no success:

var result = from PersonEntity p in PersonEntity.Queryable 
             where p.Name == "Thomas" select p;
return result.First(); // throws exception Cannot convert string into Name

We tried and implemented a TypeConverter for Name, but the converter never got called.

Is there a way to have linq working with this ValueTypes?

Using NHibernate.UserTypes.IUserType it sortof works. I Implemented the Interface as described here:

I still had to add a ConversionOperator from string to Name and had to call it Explicitly in the linq Statement, even though it was defined as implicit.

var result = from PersonEntity p in PersonEntity.Queryable 
             where p.Name == (Name)"Thomas" select p;
return result.First();  //Now works