I was in the same boat and I was able to solve this by changing one method in the Dynamic Library. It's a hack, but it allows me to use dates in expressions with equality operators (=,>,<, etc..).
I'm posting the code here in case someone still cares.
The code I added is in the if block around line 53
else if (left.Type == typeof(DateTime) && right.Type == typeof(string))
if (right is ConstantExpression)
DateTime datevalue;
string value = ((ConstantExpression) right).Value.ToString();
if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out datevalue))
right = Expression.Constant(datevalue);
throw IncompatibleOperandsError(op.text, left, right, op.pos);
throw IncompatibleOperandsError(op.text, left, right, op.pos);
The code basically checks if you are trying to compare a date field (left) with a string (right). And then it converts the right expression to a date constant
Here is the whole ParseComparison method:
// =, ==, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <= operators
Expression ParseComparison()
Expression left = ParseAdditive();
while (token.id == TokenId.Equal || token.id == TokenId.DoubleEqual ||
token.id == TokenId.ExclamationEqual || token.id == TokenId.LessGreater ||
token.id == TokenId.GreaterThan || token.id == TokenId.GreaterThanEqual ||
token.id == TokenId.LessThan || token.id == TokenId.LessThanEqual)
Token op = token;
Expression right = ParseAdditive();
bool isEquality = op.id == TokenId.Equal || op.id == TokenId.DoubleEqual ||
op.id == TokenId.ExclamationEqual || op.id == TokenId.LessGreater;
if (isEquality && !left.Type.IsValueType && !right.Type.IsValueType)
if (left.Type != right.Type)
if (left.Type.IsAssignableFrom(right.Type))
right = Expression.Convert(right, left.Type);
else if (right.Type.IsAssignableFrom(left.Type))
left = Expression.Convert(left, right.Type);
throw IncompatibleOperandsError(op.text, left, right, op.pos);
else if (IsEnumType(left.Type) || IsEnumType(right.Type))
if (left.Type != right.Type)
Expression e;
if ((e = PromoteExpression(right, left.Type, true)) != null)
right = e;
else if ((e = PromoteExpression(left, right.Type, true)) != null)
left = e;
throw IncompatibleOperandsError(op.text, left, right, op.pos);
else if (left.Type == typeof(DateTime) && right.Type == typeof(string))
if (right is ConstantExpression)
DateTime datevalue;
string value = ((ConstantExpression) right).Value.ToString();
if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out datevalue))
right = Expression.Constant(datevalue);
throw IncompatibleOperandsError(op.text, left, right, op.pos);
throw IncompatibleOperandsError(op.text, left, right, op.pos);
CheckAndPromoteOperands(isEquality ? typeof(IEqualitySignatures) : typeof(IRelationalSignatures),
op.text, ref left, ref right, op.pos);
switch (op.id)
case TokenId.Equal:
case TokenId.DoubleEqual:
left = GenerateEqual(left, right);
case TokenId.ExclamationEqual:
case TokenId.LessGreater:
left = GenerateNotEqual(left, right);
case TokenId.GreaterThan:
left = GenerateGreaterThan(left, right);
case TokenId.GreaterThanEqual:
left = GenerateGreaterThanEqual(left, right);
case TokenId.LessThan:
left = GenerateLessThan(left, right);
case TokenId.LessThanEqual:
left = GenerateLessThanEqual(left, right);
return left;