As @josek says, you'll have one JVM per WebLogic server, so if all your EARs are under the same WebLogic server you'l only have one pid to dump. But you may still have multiple servers - maybe an admin server and a managed server, maybe other unrelated instances - so if you just do something like ps -ef | grep java
(I'm assuming this is on Unix?) you could see a lot of pids, even if you can filter it to your WebLogic's JDK_HOME.
One way to identify which pid belongs to a particular server is to go to the <domains>/servers/<your server>/tmp
directory, and in there run fuser -f <your server>.lok
. This will list the pids of all the processes related to that server, one of which will be the JVM java process. (May be others for JDBC etc.) One way to find just the java process (and I'm sure someone will point out another, better way!) is something like:
cd <domains>/servers/<your server>/tmp
ps -p "`fuser -f <your server>.lok 2>/dev/null`" | grep java
If each EAR is in its own server, I guess you'll have to look at config.xml to see which you need.