



Hello everyone,

I am working on mobile/server security related project. I am now stuck in generating a Diffie-Hellman key agreement part. It works fine in server side program but it is not working in mobile side. Thus, I assume that it is not compactible with Android.

I used the following class to get the parameters. It returns a comma-separated string of 3 values. The first number is the prime modulus P. The second number is the base generator G. The third number is bit size of the random exponent L.

My question is is there anything wrong with the code or it is not compactible for android?What kind of changes should I do?
Your suggestion and guidance would be very much help for me. Thanks a lot in advance.

public static String genDhParams() {
 try {
// Create the parameter generator for a 1024-bit DH key pair
AlgorithmParameterGenerator paramGen = AlgorithmParameterGenerator.getInstance("DH");
// Generate the parameters
AlgorithmParameters params = paramGen.generateParameters();
DHParameterSpec dhSpec = (DHParameterSpec)params.getParameterSpec(DHParameterSpec.class);
// Return the three values in a string
return ""+dhSpec.getP()+","+dhSpec.getG()+","+dhSpec.getL();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} catch (InvalidParameterSpecException e) {
return null;
