



Hi , I am the newbie of android, but i hava seen the tutorial and implement some simple applications.

The question i met is that I am tring to stream some video from my server to android, but the android VideoView class just plays the audition sololy without "image"@@!~

Here is my setting and android code :

1. android core code:


2. my streaming server is VLC and the command is:

vlc -vvv d:\nobody.mp4 --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,width=320,hegiht=240}:rtp{dst=,port=4444,sdp=rtsp://}

ps: My ip is got from DHCP but I have checked it really can be connected(Android could play audition after all)

ps2: I haved trid to stream some video from "" and the playing is good!!@@

So I guess that the problem maybe is caused by streaming Video format, but I have almost tried every figument option form VLC, and it still don't workQQ.

So Have anyone done the same test as me can give me some advice??

Thanks a lot!!!!!

by eddy