I would like to learn Computer Graphics and be good for my career but the only thing i know is python programming. where should i start and go next? Im also studying from home.
You might want to learn using C++/SDL, it's a quite powerful combination. Sourceforge hosts many game projects, which could provide you with useful examples in many languages.
I suggest you read up on linear algebra which is very useful when dealing with computer graphics and specially 3D graphics.
Here is a video course from MIT (1999), covers probably more than you need though.
Get acquainted with C++, and start reading "Computer Graphics using OpenGL" by Francis Hill. Also check list of recommended books on opengl.org . get OpenGL programming guide. This should get you started.
The definitive starting point for OpenGL is NeHe. Originally, the tutorial sample code was written in C, but the principles are the same, and the Python bindings for OpenGL looks very much like the original C-based API.
If you ever want to do anything near "production quality" I would suggest either switching to C or C++, or using a more high level realtime graphics library/game engine (some even have Python bindings). Preferably the latter.
However, I disagree with many of the comments here that Python is not a good choice for learning realtime graphics. The principles are the same, and Python is simply beautiful for trying out new concepts.
Though I haven't done graphics programming in anything other than C or C++, I believe Python is a good language for beginners, and if you have a quick way to getting down to drawing pixels in a Window using Python, get on with it.
Get yourself any one of the standard Graphics text books. You may try Hern & Baker, or Foley-Van Dam, and of course you have the Internet and online forums.
Start following this course MIT OCW 6.837 Graphics Fall 2003, do the assignments, write code, and keep going back to your text books and basics.