
Computer Graphics: Raytracing and Programming 3D Renders

I've noticed that a number of top universities are offering courses where students are taught subjects relating to Computer Graphics for their CS majors. Sadly this is something not offered by my university and something I would really like to get into sometime in the next couple of years. A couple of the projects I've found from some u...

Algorithm for drawing an anti-aliased circle?

What's a good algorithm for drawing anti-aliased circles? (Filled and not filled.) ...

Rotation & OpenGL Matrices

I have a class that holds a 4x4 matrix for scaling and translations. How would I implement rotation methods to this class? And should I implement the rotation as a separate matrix? ...

Is there any uncharted territory in Computer Graphics?

It seems to me as if anything is now possible with computer graphics. Is seems as if we can depict cloth, water, skin, anything, completely convincingly. Are there areas that are are still a challenge, or is the focus now on finding faster algorithms and cutting rendering times? ...

Simple way to implement computer-go board in Java

I want to make a simple Go board to design an Computer Go game. In a go game, you lie a "stone" (white or black) on a position where horizontal and vertical lines intersect. What are some simple ways to restrict users from placing their stones in other locations? Maybe I'm just not seeing a simple solution. EDIT I guess I should rep...

How to mix two ARGB pixels ?

How can I mix two ARGB pixels ? Example Here A is (Red with Alpha) and B is ( Blue with Alpha ). ...

Where can I find Computer Graphics video lectures?

Where can I find Computer Graphics video lectures? My job is about 3D graphics algorithms, however, I know nothing about them now. Where can I find one? ...

Tessellating an arbitrary polygon by tiling triangles

I need to fill an arbitrary polygon using a near-uniform tiling of triangles. How would I do this? You may provide either references to existing algorithms or even simply ideas or hints of your own. The following is presumed: The polygon may be convex (but bonus points if you come up with an algorithm that works for concave shapes) Th...

Write a program for simulation of bouncing ball using y(x)=A|sin(wx); in Computer Graphics?

Write a program for simulation of bouncing ball using y(x)=A|sin(wx); ...

Math for core animation?

What is a good level of math required for, like, advanced core animation? Take this for example: And what's a good book/resource to learn it? -Jason ...

Merging photo textures - (from calibrated cameras) - projected onto geometry

I am looking for papers/algorithms for merging projected textures onto geometry. To be more specific, given a set of fully calibrated cameras/photographs and geometry, how can we define a metric for choosing which photograph should be used to texture a given patch of the geometry. I can think of a few attributes one may seek minimize i...

Merging and splitting overlapping rectangles to produce non-overlapping ones

I am looking for an algorithm as follows: Given a set of possibly overlapping rectangles (All of which are "not rotated", can be uniformly represented as (left,top,right,bottom) tuplets, etc...), it returns a minimal set of (non-rotated) non-overlapping rectangles, that occupy the same area. It seems simple enough at first glance, but ...

Scaling vectors from a center point?

I'm trying to figure out if I have points that make for example a square: * * * * and let's say I know the center of this square. I want a formula that will make it for eample twice its size but from the center * * * * * * * * Therefore the new shape is twice as la...

Learning Computer graphics

I would like to learn Computer Graphics and be good for my career but the only thing i know is python programming. where should i start and go next? Im also studying from home. ...

Why do we need normalized coordinate system? Options

Hi, I have problem understand following sentences in my textbook Computer Graphics with OpenGL. "To make viewing process independent of the requirements of any output device,graphic system convert object descriptions to normalized coordinates and apply the clipping routines." Why normalized coordinates could make view...

Converting mouse position to world position OpenGL

Hey, I'm working on a map editor for my game, and I'm trying to convert the mouse position to a position in the game world, the view is set up using gluPerspective ...

Transform quadrilateral into a rectangle ?

I have scene composed of one arbitrary quadrilateral. I need to be able to transform that quadrilateral into a rect. Each quad is in 2d coordinates, so they have 4 vertex (x_i, y_i). The transformation need to have an inverse because the idea is to go back to the original quad after manipulating the rectangle. What would be the easiest...

Polytope library for simulating billiards orbits

My current research project involves studying billiards orbits in four-dimensional polytopes. One sets into motion a point-mass, starting on one of the facets of the polytope, which follows a straight trajectory within the polytope except on collision with a wall, when it is subjected to an elastic response (i.e., its velocity vector is ...

How to rotate a specific object in openGL?

I have some objects on the screen and would like to rotate only one of them. I tried using the glRotatef(...) function but turns out glRotatef(...) rotates all my objects (rotates the camera, maybe?). How can I rotate only one? I use openGL ES 1.1 ...

How to rotate an object and but leaving the lighting fixed? (OpenGL)

I have a cube which I want to rotate. I also have a light source GL_LIGHT0. I want to rotate the cube and leave the light source fixed in its location. But the light source is rotating together with my cube. I use OpenGL ES 1.1 Here's a snippet of my code to make my question more clear. GLfloat glfarr[] = {...} //cube points GLubyte glu...