



I am using rails 2.3.5 and this is what I did. I have latest cucumber, cucumber-rails and capybara installed.

rails demo
cd demo
ruby script/generate cucumber --rspec --capybara
ruby script/generate feature post title:string body:text published:boolean
ruby script/generate scaffold post title:string body:text published:boolean
rake db:migrate
rake cucumber

All the tests are passing. Now I want to test using Javascript.

At this time this is how scenario looks like

  Scenario: Delete post
    Given the following posts:
      |title 1|body 1|false|
      |title 2|body 2|true|
      |title 3|body 3|false|
      |title 4|body 4|true|
    When I delete the 3rd post
    Then I should see the following posts:
      |title 1|body 1|false|
      |title 2|body 2|true|
      |title 4|body 4|true|

I added @javascript at the top.

Now when I run rake cucumber then I see a confirmation page. But nothing happens until I click.

What do I need to do so that OK is clicked automatically and test proceeds ahead.

+6  A: 

Well its kind of a hack, but I think right now its the only way:

When /^I confirm a js popup on the next step$/ do
  page.evaluate_script("window.alert = function(msg) { return true; }")
  page.evaluate_script("window.confirm = function(msg) { return true; }")

You have to put this step right in front of the one that triggers the confirm popup (follows the link). It will modify the standard alert and confirm behaviour to always return true. So you do not have to click the "OK" button yourself.

Hate to have to do this, but it works!
Preston Marshall