I'm having a frustrating problem with a has_many through: namely the fact that the through models are not created until save. Unfortunately, I need to set data on these models prior to saving the parent.
Here's the loose setup:
class Wtf < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :foo
belongs_to :bar
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :wtfs
has_many :foos, :through => :wtfs
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :wtfs
has_many :bars, :through => :wtfs
def after_initialize
Bar.all.each do |bar|
bars << bar
Everything is fine except that I need to access the "wtf"'s prior to save:
f = Foo.new => #
f.bars => [list of bars]
empty list here
f.wtfs => []
f.save! => true
now I get stuff
f.wtfs => [list of stuff]
I even went so far as to explicitly create the wtfs doing this:
def after_initialize
Bar.all.each do |bar|
wtfs << Wtf.new( :foo => self, :bar => bar, :data_i_need_to_set => 10)
This causes the f.wtfs to be populated, but not the bars. When I save and retrieve, I get double the expected wtfs.
Anyone have any ideas?