



In general, resizable() works fine. Here is where I am getting into an issue.

  1. I have a div that contains some resizable items that work fine (resizable() applied to them at some point).
  2. user can save items for later view (the innerHTML of the div gets saved into a JavaScript array, then div gets cleared so they can do something else)
  3. When items get placed back onto div (from array) -- I do a $('#divname').append(arrayname[i]); -- items are no longer resizable (although visually they have the resizable classes/handle on them)

Here is what I have tried so far (none of which have worked):

  1. After append() line, I re-initialize the resizable -- $('#items').resizable();
  2. After append() line, remove then re-add resizable -- $('#items').resizable('destroy').resizable();

Any help is appreciated - thanks.

+1  A: 