
Jquery UI in IE8: suspending sort behavior while resizing an element that is sortable and resizable

I have a list of elements which I would like to make sortable and resizable using Jquery UI. Combining them works great in Chrome and Firefox. But in IE8 (both in normal and compatibility view), either behavior works great when used separately, but when combined, the resulting mixed behavior is undesirable. My expectation is that resi...

Dynamic Jquery Splitter Plugin

Hi I am trying to use Jquery Splitter http://www.methvin.com/jquery/splitter/ it works fine if the splitter panes are static but i need to add panes dynamically in it. also i need to remove those panes dynamically as well. how can i remove the splitter binding and add dynamic split regions in it. please check it from here http://01webd...

How to trigger jquery Resizable resize programmatically?

I have a div element which is made jquery Resizable. It has alsoResize option set, so other elements resize simultaneously. What I want to do, is to set size of this Resizable div element programmatically in such way, that all Resizable logic is triggered (especially this alsoResize option is taken into account). How can I achieve that...

jQuery UI resizable : auto height when using east handle alone

i have a jqueryui re-sizable div. I want only the width to be re-sizable and the height to remain auto, so that the div grows or shrinks with the content. If i set it to display only the east handle and use css height:auto, after resize the height also gets set even though only the width changed. I have to set the height to auto on resiz...

Something like jQuery's .resizable but without the div's inside

Hi everyone, this is just a quick probe to see if this is technically possible. I'm wanting to enable the resizing of an image in the browser (also within a contentEditable area). Firefox and IE already allow this to be done with their inbuilt handles and it works fine. I'm wanting to implement something for Safari however because it do...

Making a table in a scrolling div resizable?

I've got a table in a div, with a vertical scrollbar on the div to allow the table to be longer than the div can hold. Works fine. But I'd like to allow the user to resize the div vertically if they want to be able to view more of the table. I've been playing with the jQueryUI resizable interaction, but it doesn't seem to quite do what I...

JQuery Resize div

I want to add a div on a click and automatically start the resize mouse ui functionality with the mousedown. I can add the div easily, I have the resize functionality easy. But I can't figure out how to pass the mouse event and bind them so that the resize can start right away. Imagine a painting like program so the div can be added an...

Nesting resizable elements

I am using jQuery UI's resizable for nested divs, like so: <div id="resizable1"> <div id="resizable2"> </div> </div> I'm running into a problem where disabling resizable 1 also disables resizable 2. So, if I call the following... $("#resizable1").resizable("disable"); ...then I can no longer resize resizable2 either. Has an...

jQuery Resizable() UI Problem

In general, resizable() works fine. Here is where I am getting into an issue. I have a div that contains some resizable items that work fine (resizable() applied to them at some point). user can save items for later view (the innerHTML of the div gets saved into a JavaScript array, then div gets cleared so they can do something else) W...

[jquery] multiple resizables acting strange

Hi there everyone, I'm trying to place multiple resizable and draggable div's on one page that move (vertically) inside their own parent div. you can take a look at http://bit.ly/bCutBE However, these div's act really strange when I want to resize them, especially from the north side, they kind of move out of the screen very fast, whil...

jQuery UI Resizable - Resize elements, Restrict size to several specific sizes?

I'm trying to create an interface where the user can lay out a page by resizing the elements on it, using jQuery UI Resizable. At the moment this is laid out with a string of item numbers and size attributes. Example of layout text: [(b) 80431R 80431P 80431B 80431BK 80431SB 80431PR] 80472(1p5) 80616(1p5) 80617(1p5) 80618(1p5) 80475(1p5...

jQuery UI Resizable alsoResize reverse

How to make the jQuery UI Resizable alsoResize reverse direction. suppose in the html there is two div tag is there, if i resize in upward means the other thing has to resize downward <script> $(function() { $("#resizable").resizable({alsoResize: ".myiframe"}); }); </script> <div id = "resizable"> This is t...

How to resize ONLY horizontally or vertically with jquery UI Resizable?

The only solution I've found is to set the max and min heigth or width with the current value. Example: foo.resizable({ maxHeight: foo.height(), minHeight: foo.height() }); But this is really uggly, specially if I have to change the elements height progammatically. Sorry for my bad english, thanks in advance. Diego ...

My jQuery ready function is firing too early... It's not ready!

I'm adding resizable to several div tags that are part of a complex page. But the $(document).ready() if executing too early. Not everything has been parsed and the resizable fails. How do I get jQuery to really wait until the document is ready? I've tried... $(document).ready() $(document).load() $(window).load() By adding a temp...

jQuery UI Resizable in TH

Hello. I'm traying to make a table with the th's of the header resizable. Here you can see an example where I first try de resize with a div and then with a table (it works great). Then I try the resize with the th's of another table. Nothing happens. http://jsfiddle.net/UVsKp/ Can the th's be resized using jquery UI?? Thanks in adv...

jQuery UI resizable cloned element(.clone(true)) doesn't resize

Hi, I'm having this strange problem with cloned elements(using .clone(true)) with draggable and resizable functionalities from jQuery UI. After cloning, the cloned elements don't have these functionalities, they just don't work. I have been looking for various solutions, like assigning the functionalities after cloning and still having...

Having trouble getting jQuery UI resizable working

I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious (it's late in the day). I've set up a test page with a really basic implementation of jQuery UI resizable. Why isn't it working and allowing the elements to be resizable? http://jsfiddle.net/UA3QS/ ...

Resizable handles dont autohide on dragging

Hi, I have set the .draggable() and .resizable() properties to my elements. I have set the handles to 'autohide' and appear 'se' (southeast). Initially the handles appear only on hovering on the element. But if I drag that element around, then the handle remains there, and doesnt autohide. What could be the issue here ? ...