
Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI

I've been attempting to create a resizable textbox (ASP.NET multiline TextBox / HTML textarea) and use JQuery UI to make it resizable, but seem to be running into a few issues involving custom drag handles. The JQuery documentation on the Resizable method (specifically that on the handles option) suggests that I can set any of the handl...

jQuery UI resizable - direction of operation

How can I determine the direction of resize operation? I tried googling that and found a ticket on jquery ui, that said it is fixed. But there is no doc on how to use it. ...

Save div height in a cookie from jQuery resizable

Hi, I am using jQuery resizable from for a menu on a page that I am working on. I need to set a cookie ( ) to store the height of the menu div so that the div doesn't resize to it's original css height on every page reload. I've been trying to adapt the code from http...

Calculate dragable divs - jquery

I have two divs on the page, wich represent two columns. Both are floating left, have 49% width and padding-right for 0.5%. In each columns there are various divs positioned vertical down. Now I want to make a function, which will allows user to resize each div in column, or if this isn't achieveable, a function which will allow user to ...

jquery resizable

Hi all, The function given below is working fine but over i want to amke every elemnt that i drop a s resizable but as soon as i double click that element it's resizable property is lost. How can i resolve it? function dropTag(tag){ var box = ""; var hashtag = "#"+tag; $(hashtag).draggable({ helper:'clone' }); ...

jquery - Resize element ondrag when reaches container.

I have a standard div that is set to both drag & resize within it's parent. I need to be able to resize the div as it is dragged into it's parent. I only need this to happen when it's dragged vertically to the bottom, so I have it setup like this: $("#draggable").draggable({ drag: function(event, ui) { AtBottom(); }, axis:'y', c...

resizable jquery chrome

Hi All, I have a problem that i want to make an element draggable and resizable both. Even after dropping the tag it should be resizable. Some Sample Code function DivMouseDown(id) { try { jQuery('#'+ id).draggable({ opacity: 0.5, revert: 'invalid' }); } catch (e) { alert ("exception in DIVmouse down: "+ e); ...

Resizable alsoresize in one direction only

I am trying to use the jQuery UI Resizable feature. I would like to only add a south/west resize handler on one object, so it will resize to the west and south. When it resizes, I would like to simultaneously resize another object, but only in the 'south' direction. I am trying to use the alsoresize property, but it seems always resizes ...

jQuery resizable(), accessing the original object

This may seem like an obvious thing, but I can't find it. When using resizable, I want to save the new width of the image, but how do I access the ID attribute of the image that I have just resized? This is my code: $('img.article_image').resizable({ aspectRatio: true, handles: "se", stop: function(event, ui){ // Here I...

How do I use the resizable() function of jQuery Ui, to just resize the HEIGHT of the div ?

That's all I need folks, I have 2 divs(a,b) inside another DIV(c). So, the C div is resizable, and when I resize it, the A and B divs are also resized by the option alsoResize. Works pretty fine, but now I need to make the height between the two inside divs (a,b) resizable. For now theirs heights are 50%-%50%, so I want to be abble to re...

jquery resizable cursor help

I have setup a div that is resizable: $("mydiv").resizable(); Now when you go to resize it to the right the cursor goes off the the actual resize part. So if the cursor hits the side of the screen you have to let go of the mouse and go back and start resizing it again if you want to make it bigger. I know that with the draggable's the...

jquery resizable cursor is not stying with margin auto

I have a problem with the jquery resizable plugin. I have troubleshot the issue and have come up with this. If I create a div and make it resizable and make it also have an alsoResize it works fine for the most part. However, If I set the second div that is alsoResize to margin:0 auto it does not work properly. The mouse cursor is coming...

Jquery\ASP.NET draggable and resizable list of items

Need to implement draggable and resizable list of items using Jquery or ASP.NET controls. Any code snippets or links? ...

jQuery UI - I want to check if a resize event was triggered on a resizable div

I have two divs $('.list') and $('.content') side by side. $('.list') is resizable using jQuery UI resizable and $('.content') is bound to the alsoResize. The problem I am having is I need to know when the resizable event is triggered. .bind('change') or .bind('resize') don't work because resize is only for the window/frame and 'change...

Javascript Resize

Hi, I have very little javascript knowledge, so it seems a very basic question, but could not find a way to do that. I have a 1024*768 fixed area like this: There will be a javascript button on the right side of the "Section A". When I click that button, Section A will be automatically resized and it will be something like this: ...

Resizable Canvas (JQuery UI)

ANY DOM element can be made resizable according to this page: However, it seems that this doesn't work for the CANVAS element. Possible? ...

PyGTK, how can I lock a window so it cannot be resized?

I am looking for a way to lock the window. I found window.set_resizable(False), but that resizes the window to its requested size and then locks it. I would like to be able to resize my window, and then lock it into the size I have resized it to. ...

How to create a resizable window with rounded-corners in win32

I'm trying to create a Win32 window that has rounded corners and is resizable both horizontally and vertically. My first approach was to create BITMAP of a rounded rectangle and draw it to the screen in conjunction with setting the windows style to WS_EX_LAYERED and setting the transparency key to the outside color of the rounded rectang...

How do you best make complicated, resizable graphics in Silverlight?

In WPF, it is very easy to make resizable graphics/artwork. You simply create a DrawingBrush and use it as the fill for a Rectangle or a Shape. Or, you can simply use a VisualBrush that refers to Canvas with Shapes/Paths on it. In Silverlight, though, there isn't a DrawingBrush and there isn't a VisualBrush. So, how does one best create...

jQuery UI resizable not working at all

Ok here is the problem. jQuery Resizable just does not work on this page: click here Try it out on the grey box in the upper left corner. What I want to do is make the shoutbox on the right size resizable. But it didn't work so I tried to just copy everything from the jQuery UI example page into my one and try it out. So I added the g...