Well, what you want in the end is to use a script to be honest to automate some common tasks. You hand-code that script, but you just fill in some paramatres to produce your XHMTL page.
Point with WYSIWYG editors is that they do what they say, they focus on layout, what you see is indeed what you get. If the Web was intended for layout we'd use PDF's, vector formats or just images.
The Web is about the structure of your page. Try searching for some pointers on 'semantic web' and 'separation of presentation and structure', you'll see that you've actually use a blockquote when you tried to simply indent for instance.
HTML is not a language to design layouts and never was intended as that, if you want that just use PDF, HTML was designed to express the structure of a document portably, as in, its layout should be easily changed while retaining the same logical structure. This is called 'separation of presentation and structure'. Ideally you should be able to completely re-work the layout just by using a different CSS sheet.
As for the tediousness, well, you can use a script for that as I said before. I mean, as that list example before, what I just do is:
(li demonstration
(I am an item.)
(I am another one.)
(I am an item that \(includes parentheses\) you see))
Which might be rendered as:
<li class="demonstration"><li>I am an item</li> ....</li>
Well, in fact, what would be ideal is a WYSIWYG editor that only makes structure, a visual editor that isn't that much concerned with layout at first and lets you define stylesheets later, either manually or per mouse, not sure if that exists, anyone know any? I'd be tempted to make one to simplify my own work and promote good practises if none exists.