what's a simple way to increase the length of a string to an arbitrary integer x? like 'a' goes to 'z' and then goes to 'aa' to 'zz' to 'aaa', etc.
You can multiply the string in the integer. For example
>>> 'a' * 2
>>> 'a' * 4
>>> 'z' * 3
>>> 'az' * 3
2010-05-14 23:38:01
yes, but i want to run through all the permutations
2010-05-14 23:38:58
Let's see if I get you right: You want to iterate over all the strings between 'aaaa' and 'zzzz', ('aaaa', 'aaab', 'aaac', .... 'zzzz').
2010-05-14 23:43:00
correct. all the way until the string is x chars long
2010-05-14 23:48:03
Define x. I am using x = 5
for this example.
x = 5
import string
for n in range(1,x+1):
for letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
print letter*n
2010-05-14 23:40:53
That should do the trick:
def iterate_strings(n):
if n <= 0:
yield ''
for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
for s in iterate_strings(n - 1):
yield c + s
It returns a generator. You can iterate it with a for loop:
for s in iterate_strings(5)
Or get a list of the strings:
If you want to iterate over shorter strings too, you can use this function:
def iterate_strings(n):
yield ''
if n <= 0:
for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
for s in iterate_strings(n - 1):
yield c + s
2010-05-14 23:49:34
Here's my solution, similar to Adam's, except it's not recursive. :]
from itertools import product
from string import lowercase
def letter_generator(limit):
for length in range(1, limit+1):
for letters in product(lowercase, repeat=length):
yield ''.join(letters)
And it returns a generator
, so you can use a for
loop to iterate over it:
for letters in letter_generator(5):
# ...
Have fun!
(This is the second time today I found itertools.product()
useful. Woot.)
Xavier Ho
2010-05-15 08:25:29