





I'm writing a store system for my game, it worked quite well until I found out that it only takes the amount of first entered Item.

function pbuy(buyitem) {
 var amountc = "amount-"+buyitem,
 var amount = $("#"+amountc+"").val();
   type: "POST",  
   url: "store2.php",  
   data: "buyitem="+ buyitem+"&amount="+amount,  
   success: function(resp){  
   document.getElementById('ajaxDiv').innerHTML =  resp;

   error: function(e){  
     alert('Error: ' + e);  

I'm trying to give it it the Id of the form like so:

function pbuy(buyitem) { var amountc = "amount-"+buyitem, var amount = $("#"+amountc+"").val();

But nothing happens.

The code the creation of the forms is:

    <td class='items' width='80%' align='center' valign='top'>
        <?PHP echo $itemstore->itemname;?> 
    <td width="20%">  
        Price:<?PHP echo $itemstore->newprice;?>          
        <form  method="post"> 
            <input type='text' id='amount-<?PHP echo $row;?>)' />   
            <input name="itembid" type="button" onclick="pbuy(<?PHP echo $row;?>)"  value="Buy" />

If I hardcode the amount in the ajax function it all runs fine like it should.


Did you checked the response of the AJAX request?

As long as it is like this nothing happens.Though If I set a value for the amount it works great.

You're getting a javascript error before the AJAX-request is being sent since you are defining your amountc and amount variables separated by a comma. Either do

 var amountc = "amount-"+buyitem;
 var amount = $("#"+amountc+"").val();

semicolon separated, or keep the comma and skip the second var

 var amountc = "amount-"+buyitem,
 amount = $("#"+amountc+"").val();
Simen Echholt
Thank you,This works great !It seems like such a simple mistake but I spend an hour observing the code and still Didn't see it.
Who hasn't been staring at code for hours wondering what's wrong ;) With javascript, however, using tools like firebug -- or even the built in consoles of most browsers -- helps a lot, if you aren't already. Syntax errors like this pops up immediately. The default tools are opened by Ctrl+Shift+J in Firefox and Chrome and F12 in IE
Simen Echholt