



Hello all, I'm trying to get the text contents of a .div('.child#') child of my'h6.class'), and replace my other headers('h1.replacHeader#') using this script below...

$('h6.HeaderToBeClicked').click(function(event) { 
    var $target = $(this);
    $('.replaceHeader1').replaceWith("<h1 class='replaceHeader1'>" + $target.children(".child1").text() + "</h1>");
    $('.replaceHeader2').replaceWith("<h1 class='replaceHeader2'>" + $target.children(".child2").text() + "</h1>");


<div id="ReplaceTheseHeaders">
    <h1 class='replaceHeader1'></h1>
    <h1 class='replaceHeader2'></h1>
<div id="accordian" class="acc">
    <?php $counter = 1; ?>
    <?php foreach ($tmpl->vars as $var) { ?>
    <h6 class="HeaderToBeClicked"><a href="#">
    <div class="counter"><?php print $counter . "." ?></div>
        <div class="child1"><?php print $var['title'];?></div>
    <div class="child2"><?php print $var['name'];?></div>
<?php $counter = $counter+1; ?>
    <?php } ?>

I've noticed that .text() apparently doesn't apply to an So how could I go about achieving this?

+1  A: 

If $target is intended to refer to the h6.class element, then you should change this line:

var $target = $(;

to this:

var $target = $(this);

$( will actually refer to whatever descendant element was clicked. The event then bubbles up to the element that has the handler (h6.class) which is referenced with $(this).


If this is similar to your HTML, the code runs perfectly. If (for example) .child1 and .child2 are nested deeper inside h6.class, then we would need to change things up a bit.

<h6 class='class'>
    <div class='child1'>this is child 1</div>
    <div class='child2'>this is child 2</div>

<div class="replaceHeader1">header1</div>
<div class="replaceHeader2">header2</div>
<div class="replaceHeader1">header1</div>
<div class="replaceHeader2">header2</div>


Given the HTML you posted, try the code below. Please note that you don't seem to have a closing tag for your <a href="#"> element. The code below should work either way though.

$('h6.HeaderToBeClicked').click(function(event) { 
    var $target = $(this);
    $('.replaceHeader1').text( $target.find(".child1").text() );
    $('.replaceHeader2').text( $target.find(".child2").text() );

This assumes you're just change the content of your .replaceHeader elements. If you need to change the tag name as well, you'll need to go back to using replaceWith().

patrick dw
Thank you I'm not too well versed in JS but that seemed to help a bit, now I'm getting [object Object] instead of an emptyset.... but now how do I get the text from the div i'm using to replace the header text?
Stevie Jenowski
well actually was getting back both empty and 'undefined'
Stevie Jenowski
You should probably post a sample of your HTML in your question. Otherwise it is just impossible to tell if you're using the correct selectors and traversal functions.
patrick dw
Added the HTML for you
Stevie Jenowski
If you're just replacing the content of the `replaceHeader` elements, you don't need `replaceWith()`. I'll update my answer.
patrick dw
Thank you very much, yeah the a tag was left in there on accident, I had cleaned up my code before I posted it to make it more universal and understandable. Thanks again!
Stevie Jenowski
You're welcome. If you don't have the `<a>` tag, then you can use `.children(...)` like you had. But, `.find()` will work either way.
patrick dw